Kismet Moment

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Can we customize our wedding?

One of the great advantages of choosing Kismet Moment is the ability to customize your wedding ceremony to a high degree. I am flexible and willing to work closely with couples to create a ceremony that is unique, meaningful, and fully tailored to the couple's preferences, beliefs, and values.

First, I craft your ceremony script. Once you select the length and format, I work with you as a couple to reflect your love story, personalities, and any specific elements you want to include. You can even choose readings, rituals, poetry, symbolism, and cultural traditions to incorporate.

If you have special moments or memories you’d like to share, I can weave these into the narrative. I can also include symbolic rituals like the exchange of rings, lighting of unity candles, or pouring of sand. Unity ceremonies can also be a lovely addition: planting a tree together, releasing doves, or conducting a wine or love letter ceremony. We can talk through these elements and determine what’s best for your ceremony and style.

Personalized vows are another important element we can craft together. You can write your vows, or you can simply convey to me what you would like to say and I can send you drafts until we get it just right.

Working closely with a Kismet Moment wedding celebrant allows you to have a ceremony that truly represents your relationship and the love you share. Let’s create a unique and memorable wedding experience that both you and your guests will cherish.